Expert Leak Detection Services for Your Home or Business

Protect your home, business, and wallet with our unbeatable warranties. Early leak detection can save water and prevent water damage. Don't wait, learn more now.

Drain Cleaning

    Comprehensive Water Leak Detection: Save Water, Prevent Damage

    Keeping your home safe and efficient is our top priority at Option One Plumbing. We focus on early detection of water leaks as a crucial step in maintaining your property's value, saving water, and ensuring a healthy environment. By blending meticulous manual inspections with the latest in detection technology, we're able to identify and repair leaks quickly, preventing significant damage and saving on water and repair costs. Our dedication to regular, forward-thinking leak detection practices is at the heart of our comprehensive property maintenance offerings.

    Option One Plumbing understands the critical need for immediate and precise water leak interventions. We value the trust you put in us for safeguarding your home and conserving water resources. That's why we offer superior warranties on our services, ensuring you remain confident in every repair we perform. Our commitment to same-day service and diverse repair options demonstrates our dedication to professional, efficient water leak detection and repair. This strategy prevents the undue costs associated with water damage and aids in water conservation.

    Let Option One Plumbing be the vigilant protector of your home. We pride ourselves on a sophisticated and user-friendly approach to water leak detection, guaranteeing innovation and excellence in our solutions. Our broad range of services, accompanied by comprehensive support and information, illustrates our commitment to homeowners. In an industry where precision and trust are paramount, count on us to be your reliable guardians against water leaks, providing effective and trustworthy solutions in Arizona, California, North, and South Carolina.

    • Quick and Accurate Leak Detection

      Our professional leak detection services use state-of-the-art technology to quickly and accurately detect any leaks in your home's plumbing system. This allows for early detection and prevention of any potential water damage.

    • Save Money on Water Bills

      By catching and repairing leaks early on, you can save money on your monthly water bills. Our leak detection services help you conserve water and prevent any unnecessary waste, ultimately saving you money in the long run.

    • Peace of Mind

      With our leak detection services, you can rest easy knowing that your home is protected from potential water damage. Our quick and accurate detection gives you peace of mind and saves you from potential headaches and costly repairs

    • Keep Your Home Safe

      Protect your home from water damage by catching leaks early with our professional water leak detection services. With our advanced technology, we can identify even the smallest leaks and prevent them from causing costly damage to your property.

    • Don't Wait to Take Action

      Time is of the essence when it comes to preventing water damage and conserving water. Our professional water leak detection services can detect and fix leaks quickly, giving you peace of mind and saving you from potential headaches and expenses in the future. Trust us to protect your home and help you save water today!

    Understanding Leak Detection

    Identifying water leaks is essential for preserving your home's health and safety, demanding keen vigilance and a systematic strategy for effective management. Uncontrolled water flow can cause havoc, leading to unexpected damages and possibly steep expenses for repairs. The difficulty arises from the myriad ways water can infiltrate your home, from obvious plumbing leaks to covert breaches in the roof or underground.

    Comprehending the nuances of pipe leaks is crucial, as they can arise stealthily from fissures, rust, or flawed connections, quietly wreaking havoc. Appliance leaks offer clearer warnings, like a dishwasher leaking water or a washing machine flooding the laundry area. Roof leaks add complexity, with the source of water often located far from where damage appears, easily deceiving even diligent homeowners. Underground leaks pose another challenge, secretly damaging foundations and landscapes, sometimes remaining unnoticed until visible damage occurs.

    Addressing this complex problem requires a diverse set of tools and knowledge. It involves not just the latest moisture detection gear or infrared cameras, but also a nuanced approach to each scenario. With careful examination and the use of sophisticated tools, finding the source of a leak can lead to prompt fixes, preventing minor problems from becoming catastrophes.

    Proactive inspection and awareness of subtle leakage indicators are key for homeowners. Recognizing each home's specific vulnerabilities, like plumbing age, roof condition, or land stability, is vital. This perspective turns a daunting task into a controllable part of home upkeep, protecting the building's integrity and the well-being of its inhabitants. Ultimately, detecting water leaks is about more than repairs; it's about creating a safe, comforting home environment.

    Immediate Attention Required: Signs of Water Leak in Your Home

    As a homeowner, recognizing and addressing water leaks early can save you from significant property damage and costly repairs. Understanding the visible and auditory signs of a leak is paramount. Below are the critical indicators that your home may be experiencing a water leak, urging an immediate investigation and remedy.

    Visible Signs Of A Water Leak

    • Damp or Wet Spots
      • Floors and Walls: Unexpected damp or wet areas on your floors, walls, or ceilings often suggest a hidden leak.
      • Ceilings: Watch for stains or dampness directly below bathrooms or kitchens, indicating leakage from fixtures or pipes above.
    • Mold and Mildew
      • Growth: Any growth of mold or mildew, particularly outside of shower areas, warns of excessive moisture likely from a leak.
      • Odor: A persistent musty smell is a strong indicator of mold or mildew festering due to a leak somewhere within your home.
    • Water Stains
      • Look out for discolorations, including brown, yellow, or copper marks on any part of your interior surfaces as evidence of a water leak.
      • Wallpaper or paint that is peeling, bubbling, or blistering signals water intrusion behind these surfaces.
    • Dripping or Standing Water
      • Near appliances or plumbing fixtures, any sign of water, be it puddles or consistent dripping, points towards a leak.

    Auditory Signs Of A Water Leak

    • Sound of Running Water
      • The unexpected sound of water running, hissing, or dripping, especially when all water uses are ceased, is a clear sign of a hidden leak.

    Utility Bill Indicators

    • Increased Water Bills
      • A sudden spike or consistently high water bills without a known increase in usage typically indicate a leak's presence.

    Physical And Environmental Signs Of A Water Leak

    • Low Water Pressure
      • Experiencing reduced or uneven water pressure across your home can reveal leaks within your plumbing system.
    • Warm or Hot Spots on Floors
      • Especially noted on concrete floors, these can signal hot water pipe leaks below.
    • Foundation Cracks
      • Newly formed cracks in your foundation or walls could be the aftermath of a severe water leak.

    External Signs Of A Water Leak

    • Lush Patches in the Yard
      • Unexpectedly green areas in your lawn may be thriving due to an underground water leak.
    • Soggy Ground
      • Consistently wet soil or ground in your yard, even during dry periods, should raise an alarm about a potential buried leak.

    Confirming The Leak

    • Water Meter Test
      • A definitive way to check for leaks is by shutting off all water fixtures and observing the water meter. If it continues to move, it's a clear sign of an active leak within your system.

    Urgent Action Required

    Ignoring these signs can lead to structural damage, mold issues, and unnecessarily high water bills. If you notice any of the above indicators, act swiftly to identify and rectify the source of the leak. In cases of uncertainty, consulting with a Option One Plumbing leak detection expert can prevent potential disasters, preserving your home's integrity and your peace of mind.

    What Causes Water Leaks?

    Water leaks in your home can range from a minor inconvenience to a major crisis, causing extensive damage to your property and potentially leading to costly repairs. Understanding the causes of water leaks is crucial for homeowners, allowing for early detection and prevention. Let’s explore some of the primary factors leading to these leaks:

    Aging and Corroded Pipes

    Over time, pipes naturally degrade and corrode, especially in older homes where the plumbing may not have been updated for decades. This gradual wear and tear can weaken pipes, eventually leading to leaks. Regular inspections can help identify potential issues before they escalate.

    Poor Installation or Construction Practices

    Sometimes, the root of a water leak isn’t due to the passage of time but because of substandard installation or construction practices. If plumbing systems are not correctly installed, the likelihood of leaks increases. Ensuring you hire reputable and experienced professionals for any plumbing work is key to avoiding such pitfalls.

    Ground Shifting or Settling

    Natural changes in the environment around your home, like ground shifting or settling, can place unexpected pressure on underground pipes. This stress can lead to cracks or breaks in the piping, resulting in leaks. Be observant of significant changes in your property’s landscape or foundation, as they can be indicative of potential plumbing issues.

    High Water Pressure

    While strong water pressure in your shower can be invigorating, excessively high pressure can strain your home’s plumbing system, causing leaks or even bursting pipes. It’s advisable to monitor your water pressure and consider installing a pressure regulator to mitigate this risk.

    Temperature Changes Causing Pipe Expansion and Contraction

    Pipes, like most materials, expand and contract with temperature changes. Extreme cold can cause pipes to freeze and burst, whereas high temperatures can lead to expansion and leaks. Ensuring your pipes are well-insulated can help protect them from temperature-related stress.

    Addressing these causes requires a proactive approach. Regularly inspect your plumbing systems, be mindful of the age and condition of your pipes, and don’t hesitate to consult with professionals at the first sign of trouble. Ignoring these signs can not only lead to significant water loss but also extensive property damage. As a homeowner, staying informed and vigilant can save you from unnecessary headaches and financial strain. Act promptly at the first indication of a leak to protect your home and maintain its integrity.

    Water Leak Risks and Damage

    If you're a homeowner, it's essential to recognize the risks and consequences associated with untreated water leaks. Left unchecked, these leaks can escalate into costly and hazardous issues, undermining the integrity of your home and potentially jeopardizing your health. Here's what you need to know:

    Structural Damage to the Property

    First and foremost, water leaks can significantly impact the structural stability of your home. Water infiltration can weaken building materials, from wood to concrete, leading to deterioration, rot, and even critical failures in the structure of your home. It’s vital to address leaks promptly to prevent such irreversible damage.

    Mold and Mildew Growth

    Mold and mildew thrive in damp environments, and even a small leak can create the perfect conditions for these fungi to grow. Mold can spread rapidly, becoming visible on walls, ceilings, and floors. Apart from being unsightly, mold can also cause structural damage by breaking down organic materials it lives on, exacerbating the damage initiated by the water leak.

    Increased Water Bills

    An unnoticed leak can lead to a significant increase in your water bills. Every drop adds up, and a continuously running leak will escalate your water usage dramatically. Regularly monitoring your water bill for unexpected increases can be an effective way to identify hidden leaks early, potentially saving you a considerable amount in utility costs.

    Health Hazards from Mold Exposure

    Perhaps the most alarming consequence of untreated water leaks is the health hazard posed by mold exposure. Mold can produce allergens, irritants, and in some cases, toxic substances known as mycotoxins. Exposure to mold can lead to respiratory issues, allergic reactions, and in severe cases, chronic health problems. Vulnerable individuals, including children, the elderly, and those with preexisting respiratory conditions, are at an increased risk.

    Immediate Action is Crucial

    The moment you notice or suspect a water leak in your home, immediate action is not just advisable—it's imperative. Promptly addressing leaks can mitigate these potential damages, protect your home’s value, and, most importantly, safeguard your and your family's health.

    Seek professional assistance to identify the source of the leak, repair it, and address any associated issues like mold remediation. Regular maintenance and vigilance can also prevent future leaks, offering peace of mind and ensuring the longevity and safety of your home.

    Remember, the cost of ignoring a water leak far outweighs the expense and effort of fixing it. Protect your investment and well-being by taking water leaks seriously.

    Our Leak Detection and Repair Process

    Initial Assessment and Inspection for Water Leak Detection

    • Visual Inspection: When beginning our water leak detection process, our initial step involves a meticulous visual inspection of your property. Here’s what our team will focus on:
      • Check for Visible Signs: Our trained eyes will scan for any damp spots, water stains, mold, or mildew that may appear on walls, ceilings, and floors. These are tell-tale indicators of hidden water leaks that could be causing damage to your home’s structure and potentially posing health risks.
      • Examine Plumbing Fixtures: Attention to detail is key. We will inspect faucets, showerheads, appliances, and any exposed pipes meticulously for signs of drips and leaks. Even the smallest leak can lead to significant water waste and subsequent damage over time.
    • Usage Monitoring: Beyond visual checks, we implement thorough usage monitoring techniques to identify less obvious leaks:
      • Water Meter Test: By turning off all water sources in your home and monitoring the water meter, we can detect unseen leaks. If the meter continues to move while all water sources are off, this indicates a hidden leak demanding immediate attention.
      • Comparative Bills Analysis: Our team will review your past water bills to identify any unusual spikes in usage. A sudden increase in water consumption often flags a leak somewhere in your plumbing system.

    Leak Detection

    Water leaks within your home aren't just an inconvenience; they can lead to significant financial loss and property damage. However, with today's advanced detection methods, identifying and addressing leaks early is easier than ever. As a homeowner, it's crucial to be aware of the sophisticated technologies available to protect your property from the perils of water damage. Let's delve into how these state-of-the-art techniques work:

    • Advanced Detection Methods
      • Acoustic Listening Devices: When water escapes under pressure, it creates distinct sounds as it moves through the materials in your home. Acoustic listening devices are specially designed to pick up these subtle noises, even through concrete and metal. By using these sensitive tools, professionals can pinpoint the exact location of a leak without the need for intrusive methods. This means less disruption to your home and faster repairs.
      • Infrared Thermography: Imagine being able to see the unseen. Infrared thermography does just that by visualizing the temperature differences caused by moisture. Leaking water often cools the surrounding area, creating a temperature anomaly. With a thermal camera, technicians can detect these differences and identify the source of a leak without needing to cut holes or remove any part of your home's structure. This advanced technology ensures a precise diagnosis while maintaining the integrity of your property.
      • Moisture Meters & Pressure Testing: Moisture can hide within walls, under floors, or in ceilings, leading to mold growth and structural damage over time. Moisture meters are crucial in detecting unseen moisture by measuring the level of moisture in various materials. Pressure testing complements this by assessing the integrity of your plumbing system. A drop in pressure indicates a possible leak, allowing for early intervention. These tools combined provide a comprehensive approach to leak detection, ensuring no stone is left unturned.
    • Pinpointing The Leak
      • Spot Specific Inspection: When dealing with a leak, it's crucial to pinpoint the exact source in order to effectively address and fix the issue. Thanks to advanced technology, such as small inspection cameras with locators, this process has become much more accurate and efficient. These specialized tools allow us to closely inspect areas that may otherwise be inaccessible, giving us a clear and precise view of the leak source. By utilizing this technology, we can quickly and accurately identify the problem, saving time and resources in the long run. This also ensures that the proper measures are taken to fix the leak, preventing any further damage. Trust in our expertise and technology to effectively pinpoint and address any leaks in your home or business.

    Planning Your Leak Repair

    • Identifying the Type and Location of the Leak: Leaks can manifest in various forms, including pinhole leaks, joint leaks, or burst pipes, and they can be located anywhere from behind your walls to beneath your yard. Early detection and accurate identification of the leak's type and location are key to preventing extensive damage.
    • Assessing the Extent of Damage: Before proceeding with any repair, it's essential to assess the damage caused by the leak. Water can compromise drywall, flooring, and even the structural integrity of your home. Understanding the full scope of damage helps in planning the appropriate repair strategy.
    • Cost and Time Estimation: Repairing a leak can vary widely in cost and time required, depending on the leak's severity and location. We provide detailed estimates for the repair costs and a realistic timeline, ensuring transparency and helping you plan accordingly.
    • Discussion with Property Owner: We believe in clear communication. You'll be walked through the available repair options, including the pros, cons, costs, and timelines. Our goal is to make the repair process as understandable and stress-free as possible for you.

    Leak Repair Process

    • Preparation:
      • Water Supply: The first step in any repair is to turn off the water supply to prevent further damage.
      • Protecting the Area: Clear the area around the leak. Lay down protective sheeting to safeguard your belongings from water damage during the repair.
    • Repair Techniques:
      • Minor Leaks: Patching and sealing techniques can be applied for small leaks, ensuring a quick and effective fix.
      • Pipe Replacement: For more severe damage, replacing sections of the pipe might be necessary. We'll guide you on the tools required and the step-by-step process.
      • Joint Repair: Leaks at joints can often be fixed by tightening or replacing the joint.
      • Soldering Copper Pipes: We provide detailed steps for correctly soldering copper piping to fix leaks.
      • Relining Pipes: In cases where digging or wall removal is not preferred, relining pipes can seal leaks with minimal disruption.
    • Testing the Repair: After any repair, it's vital to ensure that the issue has been resolved:
      • Restoring Water Supply: We guide you on safely turning the water back on and checking for immediate signs of leaks.
      • Pressure Test: Conducting a pressure test can confirm the integrity of the repair.
      • Monitoring: Recommendations on how to monitor the repaired area for signs of future issues, ensuring your peace of mind.

    Post Leak Repair Activities

    • Thorough Cleanup
      • Debris Removal: Rest assured, the aftermath of our leak detection and repair process won’t be your burden to bear. We are committed to meticulously cleaning up any resulting debris, guaranteeing that the affected areas are returned to their pre-leak state.
      • Drying Process: To eliminate any residual moisture and thwart the risk of mold development, we will strategically deploy fans and dehumidifiers throughout the impacted zone. This step is pivotal in maintaining the structural integrity and air quality of your home.
    • Comprehensive Final Inspection
      • Verification of Repair: Our experts will conduct an exhaustive inspection to affirm that the repair has been successfully completed, ensuring that the leak has been entirely resolved. This step is integral to our promise of delivering enduring solutions.
      • Customer Walkthrough: Transparency is key. We will guide you through the repaired areas, providing a detailed explanation of the work performed. This walkthrough serves as an opportunity to visually confirm the repair and to understand the meticulous attention to detail that has been applied.
      • Preventive Advice: Empowerment through knowledge. We will equip you with proactive tips and personalized advice aimed at preventing future leaks. By adhering to practices such as regular inspections and water pressure monitoring, you can significantly reduce the likelihood of recurrent issues.

    Detecting and addressing leaks early can save you significant amounts of money on water bills and prevent extensive damage to your home. The sooner we identify and rectify these issues, the less impact they will have on your home and your wallet. Our goal is to provide peace of mind through a comprehensive leak detection process that uncovers and solves these problems efficiently.

    Trust us to bring an informed, confident approach to your home's leak detection needs. Remember, time is of the essence when dealing with water leaks. Acting now can prevent more serious issues down the line. Let’s ensure the safety and integrity of your home together.

    What our clients say

    "Thank you Option One Plumbing, job well done!, From the below the slab leak detection, correction of the problem, and work completion everything went well. Your Plumbers were professional (shout out for Brennan), friendly, and most important HONEST! I can sleep well again!! Highly recommended!!"

    — John C.

    "Awesome work! Originally I called because I could hear my hot water running somewhere in the house and my floor was warm in the kitchen and bathroom. My options were remove kitchen cabinets and jack hammer up the slab to possibly fix the leak or repipe the house. I opted with the repipe since it was the least invasive and best for the long run. Honestly, spending money for repairs on a house is the least favorite thing for me about being a homeowner. However, dealing with people who are courteous, professional, helpful, and go above and beyond make it comforting; which is what I encountered with Option One."

    — Steven C.

    Our Triple Guarantee

    Satisfaction Guarantee

    If you are not 100% satisfied with your experience or service, we will make it right.

    Safety Guarantee

    The safety of our team members and our clients is valued above all. We are committed to keeping your family and home safe

    Cleanliness Guarantee

    We guarantee our work area will be clean or we'll hire a professional cleaning company to do it for us. 

    Gal of water wasted annually due to leaks nationwide
    Gal of water wasted daily by homes with active leaks
    Gal of water leaked by average home annually